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Thursday, 29 October 2015

Baby Nido Programs Help Toddlers to Know the Wondrous World Better

Babies are born with the skills and desire to tell parents what they need, the same way they have certain in-born talents that need to be discovered. Though every child is different, they all have one thing is common and that is their first steps to this wondrous world around. As newborns, they have a strong curiosity to explore every movable or static thing near them. The baby uses its senses to become familiar with the environment while gaining comfort with their surroundings. While they touch, taste, smell, hear and see using their different sensory areas, it becomes important to support newborns appropriately and provide them an environment that is both stimulating and nurturing. At KLA Schools, Baby Nido Programs provide a natural process creating an ideal home away from home for babies aged 3 months to 15 months.

One of the major achievements that a baby experiences in the first few months is the flexibility to move.  Truly based on the Reggio Emilia Approach, KLA Schools in Coral Gables provide beautiful, calm and pleasing place to learn how to roll over, crawl, pull themselves up, and eventually walk.  This dynamic, ever-evolving space that is crafted to meet and exceed all needs of the infants and not-yet mobile babies help them stimulate their senses while gaining the strength and coordination they need to walk.

In KLA Schools Coral Gables, the Nido toddlers engage with materials to connect with life and practice their socio-emotional skills as they utilize their ample space to roam around. Based on the acclaimed teaching and learning model that was developed in Italy, the Reggio Emilia Approach is a child-centered one in which the child explores the world around him or her. KLA brings the newest and most innovative Coral Gables Baby Nido Programs, where children are offered to explore and develop different levels of creativity and solve problems. While teachers assist them throughout sessions from beginning till the end, parents also participate as co-learner with their child. The learning process is unique, rather dictating static experience; they prefer implementing a collaborative effort that has been proven to be one of the most effective in the learning environment.

Description: Coral Gables Baby Nido Programs helps your toddler to learn how to interact in special ways and explore the world around him. It offers a comfortable, safe and a home-like environment to enjoy, besides other environments and discoveries he will experience.


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